PT. Auger Sistem Indonesia

  Jl. Syarifuddin Yoes, Balikpapan Regency, Ruko New Caribbean, W6 No.12, Balikpapan City, East Kalimantan 76115



Jl. Syarifuddin Yoes, Balikpapan Regency, Ruko New Caribbean, W6 No.12, Balikpapan City, East Kalimantan 76115


Kirim pembaruan atau Hapus


PT. ASI contract auger coal mining services | East Kalimantan

ASI offers a complete contract auger mining service employing high capacity equipment and the most experienced auger mining personnel in the world. ​Auger mining is a proven, safe mining method to access coal beyond the economic reach of conventional stripping operations.